
Much gratitude to all my teachers.

Teachers can take many forms. My work is a continuation, reflection, and response to what I’ve learned from my teachers throughout my life. I have applied what my teachers have taught me in a way that makes the most sense to me. I cannot possibly list them all, but here’s a start!

Nature. You were with me from the very beginning!

Rachel Nudd—Amazing herbalist and acupuncturist. Owner of Will Heal Farm.

Portia Richardson—Healer and all around wise woman. Regenerating Vital Ecologies.

Ms. Heine—Math Teacher and Yoga Teacher. My very first yoga teacher!

Jaime Meyer—Celtic Spiritual Teacher. Founder of Drumming the Soul Awake.

Leigh BrasingtonJhana Meditation Teacher and just overall nerd.

Jessie Belden—Community Herbalist and Founder of Flower Folk Apothecary.

Sara Hart—Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Herbalist. Owner of Stillwater Healing Arts.

Shannon Paige—Yoga Teacher and Founder of Earth Yoga.